Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wife Material

The bible tells us "He that findeth a wife, findeth a good think and obtaineth favor from the Lord". The common interpretation of this scripture suggest that it is totally up to a man to decide if he wants you and you just have to sit back and wait. While I do believe that there is something truly beautiful in a man proposing...I also believe that there is nothing wrong with going after something that you want. It all depends on how you do it. Back in 1992 God told me that Gerald was my husband. This was 6 years before he told Gerald and 7 years before it happened. I've had people tell me that it wasn't God because he wouldn't tell a woman because the word says Blah...blah...blah. Not only did he tell me, but he also gave me an understanding of the scripture. There is something like 7 women to every 1 man. For that reason a man doesn't have to try and find a women... they are all over the place. But the scripture doesn't say he that finds a women, but it says he that finds a WIFE. This passage is not directed to us...but to them. It is a road map to happiness. EVERY WOMEN IS NOT A WIFE! Should you however find a WIFE and not just a women... then you have found a good thing. Ladies what we have to worry about is making sure we are wife material. There is more to it then having sex whenever you feel like it. This man will need a companion, a friend and someone who can get a prayer through. You have to be his covering. Sex will get you a MAN, but it will not get you a HUSBAND. Do you think he wants someone who would give it up, let him call her all times of night and come through whenever...to be the mother of his children...maybe HIS DAUGHTERS? When its all said and done he will be with someone that moves HIM not just his body. It's easier for a man to share his bed then it is to share his life. Being in his bed doesn't make you special!!! You're just going where others have gone before and will continue to go until he meets the ONE. Intimacy is about being safe with each other. It's not about much sex you can have. After I married my husband I was allowed to go somewhere I had never been before...The boys club. Ladies you would be suprised how they talk about you and what they think about you. I have had girls tell me that they are getting married and that these men are in love with them, but then hear the same men say some of the most horrible things about those same women. I've seen men pass around private photos that women had given to them... for their eyes only... to other friends. I know more then I need to about several young women and I'm embarrassed for them, We are mass produced beings...the only thing that makes you special is whats on the inside. I spent years sleeping with gerald...we had a son and still weren't married. Finally I had enough and told him if he wanted that he would have to get it somewhere else. Guess what? He did. I stood my ground...went on with my life. When he was ready to get married... he came to the girl that said No to anything less then marriage. Over 10 years later we're happily married with 3 sons. I have a husband that loves the Lord and has prayed me through more stuff then I can remember. My point is...do it Gods way. Then you will be a wife and when he finds you he will have found a good thing. Be different...beautiful...graceful...virtuous and Godly. It will change your life and your relationships. Value yourself... Please!!! Just food for thought.
