Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Day of School

I have 3 boys. One just graduated last year and the other 2 have been home schooled. Well. this year we decided to put them into traditional school. It was a hard decision for me but it was best for the boys. Gerald is going to 5th grade and has been home schooled for 3yrs. Blair is going to 1st and he spent his per schooling and kindergarten in home school. Gerald is very outgoing like his dad... so I knew he would transition back in easily. Blair is stuck to me at all times... this was gonna be difficult. So here we are. It's 7:40am... breakfast has been eaten , everyone is dressed and we're ready to go. We get to the school, meet the teachers and settle into class. Gerald hugs me, kisses Blair, waves goodbye and walks away. Blair sits in his seat, reaches for my hand and ask me to please stay with him. I said I couldn't and tears just started to roll down his face. I ALMOST LOST IT!!!!! His teacher told me not to worry and as I walked out of the classroom... i looked back to see his head laying on the desk with tears flowing. This 1st day of school is harder for me then it is them. My heart is broken and I miss my babies. I know this is whats best for them so we'll just keep moving forward. So... blogs done... now I have 5 hrs until they're home. What shall I do?