Saturday, February 27, 2010


 This morning I woke up crying. Not about anything that happened yesterday or the day before. This morning I mourned the lose of the young woman I was years ago. I was a shy person. I had always been a  little introverted to say the least. I cherished friends and adored family. The simplest things like going to the mall with my mom and aunt Shirley seemed like a trip to Disney World. It didn't take much to make me smile. To this day... when I just can't seem to get it together I revert back to the days of just sitting and doing nothing with my mother and its sure to bring on a smile. Anyway... I was recently told by some  close friends that I am very cynical. At first I dismissed the idea, but then I thought about what they were saying... and it was true... it was all true. Somewhere something happened to make me lose faith in people. I was damaged!  I couldn't put my finger on what it could be though. I replayed events in my head and... nothing! I let it go and pushed it to the back of my mind where I would soon realize I had pushed many things.

At least 2 weeks went by without me giving it any thought. Then this morning while I was still asleep. The sky in California started to cry. I was resting. My mind free and unguarded. No safety in place to hold back the memories I had tucked away so carefully. I was jolted awake and IMMEDIATELY the tears began to flow. My unguarded mind had let some things out that I never intended to remember again. I... a STRONG black woman... had suffered physical, mental and emotional abuse some years ago at the hands of another and all in the name of love. I thought I had dealt with it... healed from it... gotten over it, but I was never more wrong. This morning scenes flashed across my mind like a movie on fast forward. I felt every hit accompanied by the dull ache of embarrassment and shame. Here I am... years later. Laying in bed with my husband at home with our children and this is where my mind is. Lord... have I been broken all along?! I ran into the bathroom so the sounds of crying and the shaking of my body wouldn't wake my husband. There... in that bathroom I realized that the young woman I was, had been left for dead a long time ago. Which led me to the question when I looked into the mirror... Who are you? It may take me some time to answer that question, but when it's all said and done... I'll give who I was a proper burial and welcome with open arms who I have become. Today I realized that I'm cynical because I've been failed. By whom? By me. If I couldn't trust me to take care of myself... then I could trust no one. I believe with all my heart that God opened the gates of my mind and heart and allowed the past to flow out. I will never truly be healed until I deal with what I've been through. So today I'll cry... but not alone... because the sky in California is crying with me.


  1. Sissy this is so real as I read it im playing back our convo's over the years and all I can say is that I know how u felt this AM!! Luv U....Dayna

  2. i think this is very deep !! As I read over these words I began to think of my own past! Its amazing the way the mind put away those things that are too hurtful to even flash back upon ! WOW!!

  3. WOW this was deep and had me evaluating myself. The things we carry can not only be poison to us but to those around us as well. I really enjoyed this. Thanks for being so transparent.

  4. wow, amazing....I have to constantly search myself, knowing that I need to be husband has put me thru so much and I feel like I love him still, inspite of the tremendous pain he's caused me..I really don't understand it and am hoping that one day these horrible memories will be far gone from my memory...awesome blog
