Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can You Be An Unsaved Couple And Happily Married?

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled.  When I read this scripture it didn't point out that it only pertained to saved couples. That leads me to believe that the institution of marriage is honorable... Period! For longer then I can remember... Christian's have acted and spoken as if in order to have a successful marriage... you must be a christian. I disagree. If that is the case then how can we explain away the divorce rate among Christians being as high or in some cases higher then the non christian? There's something that we're missing here. God instituted marriage and the playing field is level for all those that enter into it under his design. That design being between a man and a woman. Please make no mistake about my stance... I'm not talking about nor does this relate to same sex marriage. A successful marriage requires two people committed to each other and their union. It requires respect, love, loyalty and faithfulness. Not to mention communication. God said that when man finds a wife hes found a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. There you have it... God has favored the marriage. He's in agreement... covenant with the couple. And there will be times that even in their spiritual ignorance... he will direct and cover the institution. He has invested interest in our success. We represent something in the earth. If marriage were not powerful... the devil would not be trying to pervert it so hard. Now where I do believe the believer has an advantage is... in our own lives. The God in us is always an asset to any situation we're in. Hes a present help, a comforter, a friend that sticks closer then a brother. Having him in our lives will undoubtedly help us deal with any encounters we may face in our marriage a lot differently then the non christian. Before I go let me address whats sure to surface. Don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Well we can both believe in God yet not be serving him. Or we can both be atheist walking in the same belief. Either way it goes... we're yoked with those that believe what we believe. My whole point is... saved or not, christian or not, with effort... communication and commitment, you can have a successful marriage.